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Easy Furniture Web Tip #111 - Make Your Furniture Website an "American Idol"

Furniture World News


By Katherine Andes

Watching American Idol year after year offers real lessons about what makes a star.

When the top 24 are selected, there are so many wonderful singers that I always wonder, “How will one person ever rise to the top?”

But, inevitably, someone does.

We watch week after week. We see that although someone has a great voice, they just don’t have the “it” factor … the star quality.

The judges repeatedly tell contestants to dig deep and really “understand what you are trying to communicate to the audience.”

Eventually, the best singers rise to the top. And although only one “idol” is selected, usually there are a couple of others who also exhibit that star quality and go on to have successful careers.

Today, there are lots of beautiful furniture websites. They are organized well with stunning products.

How can one outshine the others in its market?

That’s the dilemma for you the furniture website owner.

Like the American Idol contestants, you need to dig deep and really understand what you are trying to communicate to your visitor. Not easy.

But if you find that special something — and it will involve finding the perfect lyrics (words) — your website will stand out from the pack of other pretty furniture websites.

In future web tips, I will reference some ideas to help you do this. In the meantime, grab a notebook and start jotting down ideas about why a customer should shop at your store and not the guy down the street.

Easy Furniture Web Tip #111: If you have just another pretty furniture website, you need to pause and dig deep to make your website an “American Idol.”

Katherine Andes specializes in copywriting for SEO (search engine optimization) — especially in the home improvement market. You can phone her at 559.589.0379 or email at Kathy@AndesAndAssociates.com.

Easy Furniture Web Tips

Articles in Easy Furniture Web Tips