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Easy Furniture Web Tip #122 - Submit Your Copy to a Glaze Patrol

Furniture World News


By Katherine Andes

I was working on a web page where the copy was a bit complex. There was quite a bit of text, plus there was some technical verbiage my client had provided.

I was about to turn the project in; but I noticed that every time I read the technical sections, my eyes glazed over.

So I took a deep breath and went back in to rework the copy.

Earlier, I had been afraid to rewrite the copy because I was a tad shy of changing my client’s wording. I was also unsure I could preserve the technical aspects if I changed it.

Of course, I was wrong. Once I rewrote the problem sections, they were easy to read and the technical aspects were much clearer.

The exercise was a good reminder to me that whenever I’m polishing a project, and I find my eyes glazing over, I need to pay attention … and not be afraid of my client!

I’ve now added a “Glaze Patrol” item to my web page checklist.

Easy Furniture Web Tip #122:  When you’re writing a page with lots of complex information (About Us, History, Customer Service), be sure to execute a “glaze patrol” before publishing.

Katherine Andes specializes in copywriting for SEO and search engine optimization —including page customization for storefront and franchise web sites. You can phone her at 559.589.0379 or email at Kathy@AndesAndAssociates.com.

Easy Furniture Web Tips

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