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Easy Furniture Web Tip 192: Websites Shouldn’t Be Beauty Contests

Furniture World News Desk on 6/10/2014

By Katherine Andes

“The problem with the web is people are looking at websites to be beauty pageants.” Seth Godin

It’s not unusual for a new client to tell me that he or she wants a flashy website, something that’s “fantastic” and will really stand out.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting an eye-catching, impressive website.

But that shouldn’t be your first concern.

The most important thing is to keep in mind is your target customer. What does she want when she comes to your site? Most likely, she wants to know if you can solve her problem, how fast you can solve it, and will you stand behind your products and services?

For example, she wants to know if you have an accent piece that will fit the problem area in her living room? Can she take it home today? Is there a decent warranty?

Your website should then answer those questions in her mind in a way that's engaging, compelling, and believable. The information on your site should also be super easy for your customer to find.

If you do that, you'll have more customers, whether or not your design is a beauty pageant winner.

There’s another problem with wanting a standout site … people disagree about what makes a good-looking site; I’ve listened to people trash some amazing sites.

Easy Furniture Web Tip 192: Develop a site as attractively as possible, but put your primary focus on developing a website that’s professional and helpful to your customers.

Katherine Andes specializes in web content development and copywriting for SEO — including page customization for storefront and franchise web sites. Visit her website BetterWebSales.com or phone her at 559.589.0379.
Easy Furniture Web Tips

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